You wanted some more 5U, right?

A while back, we released Basimilus Iteritas Magnus and Manis Iteritas Magnus. You might say they were… a big hit. I’ll show myself out.

Anyway, with the success of BIM and MIM, we’ve decided to branch further into tall synths with AIM and CIM -- Ataraxic Iteritas Magnus and Cursus Iteritas Magnus, that is. Just like their small-jacked counterparts, AIM and CIM are ports of our ever-popular Eurorack modules of similar names. What’s that you say? You want to add them both to your rack right now? So do we, and fear not, for the wait shall not last much longer. Preorders are open NOW, and they ship on May 24th! You know what’s even BETTER? They’re at a SPECIAL LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICE UNTIL JUNE 24TH. Hop on it!

Not convinced yet? Here’s the deets.

Ataraxic Iteritas Magnus

Ataraxic Iteritas Magnus, big brother to Ataraxic Iteritas, big brother to Ataraxic Translatron, is an aggressive oscillator that embraces all the cool and unique sounds that can be made with a digital architecture such as that featured in the Iteritas lineup. Want some weird bleeps and bloops? AIM has you covered! Want a really, reeeeeally cool bassline? AIM definitely has you covered!

AIM generates its sounds with a unique architecture: first, you pick one of three bit tables to give you your initial waveforms. Those waveforms can then be scrolled through, shaped, folded, noise-modulated, comb filtered, and more, all with AIM’s various front-panel controls and corresponding CV inputs.

While AIM can be one of the most aggressive oscillators you’ll ever run into, with a lot of internal modulation and parameters tuned for insanity, it can be very controlled and pretty too. Think 8-bit sounds to melodic bleep. Guaranteed to make the fax machine jealous on an even bigger scale.

Here’s a taste:

Want more? Yeah you do.

Cursus Iteritas Magnus

Cursus Iteritas Magnus is kind of the polar opposite of AIM. While it has the capability of being pretty harsh, it’s strength lies in bringing out the melodic side of a patch. CIM is all about harmonic structure. It gives the user spectral-like controls over three different modes based on different conceptualizations of frequency: Fourier, which uses sine waves; Daubechies, using wavelets, and Walsh mode, using the Walsh transform. If you’re a human and have no idea what any of that means (or how it translates to sound), they’re basically just different ways to create a nice-sounding harmonic structure in a waveform, and they give you a bunch of cool parameters to change how everything is put together. Of course, there’s also a wavefolder and some other distorty bits in there, so if you want to add some grime to your sound, you’ve got options! Plus, everything has CV control here, too.

Still Curious? Want to know how CIM handles a bassline? We got you covered.


We don’t blame you.

The good news is that preorders are open NOW, and they ship on May 24th. They’re also at a low price until June 24th, too! While you wait for yours to show up, check out this demo to get an idea of the sound, and start making some space in your case!

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