Lapsus Os

Four-channel performance attenuverter/attenuator and offset

Lapsus Os is a 10HP 4-channel attenuator/attenuverter and offset. Designed with performance in mind, each channel can be set to either attenuate or attenuate/invert an incoming signal, adjust offset of an incoming signal, or with nothing patched to its input, generate a ~0-5v or ±5v offset. Switches on the back of the module invert the fader behavior, allowing for the module to be mounted in either direction, for further customization and ease of use.

Product Manual
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Designed and made in sunny Southern California

Size and Power

  • 10HP Eurorack
  • +12v: 60mA
  • -12v: 50mA

Lapsus – from Latin Lapsus: “sliding”

Os – from Latin os: “bones”

"Dancing corpse"

  • Module
  • Power cable

  • We no longer include screws with newly packaged modules, but Bulk screws are available for purchase.
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