Xer Dualis

Xer Dualis is a compact four-channel stereo mixer.

Use the individual left and right inputs for your stereo signals, or just the left input for a mono signal: it normals to the right one. Each channel has a mute and an individual level control so you can fine-tune your mix to your taste. XD’s stereo output pair features a simple meter and a clip indicator to help keep your mix clean. Grab Xer Dualis whether you need a submixer for a large system or an easy way to mix all the elements of a portable case together.

Product Manual
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Designed and made in sunny Southern California

Size and power:

  • 6HP Eurorack
  • +12v: 40mA
  • -12v: 40mA

Xer — from Greek cherest for "here is"

Dualis — from Latin for "two."

“Here is stereo!”

  • Module
  • Power cable

  • We no longer include screws with newly packaged modules, but Bulk screws are available for purchase.
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