PINK Loquelic Iteritas

LIMITED EDITION, Pink Loquelic Iteritas 

Fewer than 100 made!

100% of the proceeds of this special edition of our beloved Loquelic Iteritas will go to parrot conservation, in partnership with the Macaw Recovery Network.

Get your talkative oscillator while supplies last!

Available ONLY at the Noise Engineering website.

Pink panels will NOT be sold separately. 

About Loquelic Iteritas: 

This is the same Loquelic Iteritas you know and love, but with a pinker, glossier panel. Loquelic Iteritas is a 10HP digital VCO with interpretations of three classic synthesis algorithms (VOSIM, summation synthesis, and phase modulation). It creates a huge variety of sounds parameterized by four tone and two pitch controls and CV control of it all. The sync input hard syncs the two oscillators.

Product Manual
Authorized Retailers
Designed and made in sunny Southern California

Size and power:

  • 10 HP
  • +12v: 150mA/80mA(if +5v on)
  • -12v: 5mA
  • +5v: 0ma/90ma (if +5v on)

Loquelic - speech, from Latin loquela for "speech"

Iteritas - repetitiousness - from Latin itero "repeat" with suffix -tas "state of being"

“Repetitive speech”

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