
Noise Engineering pitch sequencing modules: for all your generative, performative, or arpeggiative needs.

Opp Ned arpeggiator in 8HP with black panel. 12 LEDs arranged like a piano at top. Below that, 4 switches in one column, and an encoder and button in another.  14 jacks and 5 LEDs at bottom. | Noise Engineering

Flexible 4-channel arpeggiator

Gamut Repetitor in black. LEDs, 4 pots, 3 switches, and a momentary are at the top.  19 jacks are on the bottom with a cube graphic and LEDs for trig outs. | Noise Engineering

Quad random, highly controllable, quantized-voltage generator and generative CV sequencer

Mimetic Digitalis 4-channel performance sequencer with black panel. MD also has trigger out, Cartesian, random and reset inputs and performance controls. | Noise Engineering

Four-channel CV sequencer designed for improvisation and performance